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Hello World. Welcome to the my newest Cybiko website. I hope to update my site with new articles, pics, and projects every few days or so. Please bookmark my site as it is under construction 24/7.


March 23, 2001.

Well its March already!!! I have recieved my MP3 player but Cybiko.com's link to download the USB drivers is down. So, I have not been able to use my MP3 player. And a couple days ago, I got my 64 mb smart media card from Cititronics.com. Works great. I've been too busy lately to update with sports and school and all but I think I will have some time this week to put up some good updates.

Feb. 20, 2001

Sorry for the lack of updates. Been real busy with school and stuff. Still waitin on that mp3 player but i guess they are not shipping them till March. Not much in this update but should have some new stuff up by Friday.

Feb. 3, 2001

Can't wait till my MP3 player arrives. Anyways, Added some little stuff, nothin much yet but I am working on an article right now so it should be up next update. Added MP3 article in article archives, so check it out. Oh yeah about the MP3 Player again. If you need a smart media card Cititronics has them for you, cheeeap!!! Or go check out their Ebay of Yahoo auctions.


Jan. 31, 2001

Added the Article Archives. So if you can't find an old article look in the Article Archives. Added some links. And added some other things.

Jan. 27 2001

Added Contact section, redid links section, added What is a Cybiko section and site of the week. Not too much done really but I hope to put in an article or two next update.

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Site of the Week.

Cybiko Domain just updated with a new layout worthy of seeing. So check it out.

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