Feb. 3, 2001 Anyone ever want to an MP3 Player, but don't want to pay the high prices that most MP3 Players cost these days. Well Cybiko is coming out with a brand new way to listen to music with your Cybiko. The Cybiko MP3 Player. I have not received mine yet but should be getting one shortly. The MP3 Player is a revolution in the way we are listening to music, which the Cybiko MP3 Player should continue the trend. It should come out very soon and if you already sent in for your free MP3 Player, it is most likely already in the mail. If you didn't, you should be able to buy one for aroun $80 or so in the near future. The only thing required to use the MP3 Player is a Smart Media Card which is not included in the deal, but you can buy a 64mb Smart Media Card for about $30 or $40 on eBay is you get lucky. Over-all, I think that the Cybiko MP3 Player should have exellent sound quality and I will do a full review on it once I receive mine. Jan. 25, 2001. I know, I know, there are dozens of websites with their own version of the ever-so-popular "Worm Light." Well mine is pretty much the same as everyone elses'. I used the conventional 2 christmas lights and some good ole batteries. Firts I taped 2 AA batteries together with one facing positive and the other facing negative when looking at them from the top. Then I folded a piece of foil to the width of the 2 batteries and taped it to one end, with the foil touching one of the positive and one of the negative contacts. Then I took two wires and connected two wires to the batteries, one to the positive and one to the negative, and ran them each seperately to the christmas lights. Then I connected a wire that went from one light to the other to complete the circuit. The only probablems with this light is that there is no on/off switch so you have to break the circuit by disconnecting one of the wires from the batteries. That is pretty much it for the "Worm Light." If you have any Questions or problems e-mail them all to me. |